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Entries in Bears (2)


Meals on Wheels

By Bennett Owen

As the old saying goes, ‘one man’s trash is another bear’s pre-hibernation pig-out…’ I think that’s how the saying goes…


At any rate this pubescent black bear cashed in his meal ticket and took a ride in the back end of a garbage truck, gorging himself so blissfully that he didn’t realize he was being transported from the suburbs into downtown Vancouver, Canada…(the city with the coolest flag in the world)

The 18-month old ‘junk male’ refused to leave the refuse voluntarily so police brought out the tranquilizer pistol…


He was then transported back to the wild, where he’s probably still bragging to his buddies.

Slightly more intriguing is this photo from My-West man on the road RJ Burns…taken on his patio. Paws for thought, I’d say…

Credit: R.J. Burns

You may also want to browse through previous posts:

Cubs Vs. Cougars

There Otter be a Law


Cubs Vs. Cougars – The Cavorting Carnivores 

By Bennett Owen

Obviously Zeus the watch-cat was Lion down on the job.  Caught napping, our fearless feline awakened to the pitter-patter of Puma paws on the back deck of this Boulder, Colorado home.  In a classic case of fight or flight, Zeus…did neither. Obviously, he couldn’t be bothered.

Credit: Galil Loveman and The

It’s hard to tell who got the best of this stare-down but Zeus didn’t seem too perturbed.  

Credit: Galil Loveman and The

Our young mountain lion soon tired of efforts to bond with his domesticated cousin. He wandered into the yard and appeared to be rather enamored with the statue of…what else…a mountain lion.

Credit: Galil Loveman and The

Eventually, his mate joined him….a mini puma pride.

Credit: Galil Loveman and The

Zeus bears a striking resemblance to our neighborhood wild cat, Apollo…and we DO live at the foot of Mount Olympus… .

Speaking of bears, compare that cat encounter with the Five Cubs in a Bear Tree… (Hum that to the tune of ’12 Days of Christmas.’) 

This family of rambunctious bruins scrambled up an Aspen tree near Whitefish, Montana. No one knows why…confusion…fear…we’re guessing it probably wasn’t the view… But they sure brought traffic to a halt on highway 93 as nearly 100 cars stopped to take a look.  

Authorities say it’s pretty uncommon for a black bear to have a litter of five baby bruins. They attribute it to the abundant food in the region over the past few years.  Kind of makes you wonder how many house pets have gone missing in that period, doesn’t it? 

Get the whole story here, courtesy the Daily Inter Lake:


And now it’s time for Cubs Vs. Cougars…let us know which you’d rather cuddle with and why!
